View Full Version : SEWELL of Great Yarmouth

Peter Foreman
24th December 2005, 04:37 PM
My xxgreat grand mother was Elizabeth Sewell 1765, apparently of Thomas 1733 & Mrs Elizabeth Moyes. Thomas' parents were Edmond c1700 & Mary Barnes married Great Yarmouth 1728.

My research has led me to a number of other Sewells of Great Yarmouth so I would be pleased to check for anyone. That includes the tree for Anna Sewell the authoress.

Regards Peter Foreman

Rob Hilken
25th August 2006, 05:35 PM
I am interested in the Sewells of Great Yarmouth, I am a descendant of Isaac Sewell (c1670) and Sarah Turner (1707) through the line:

Isaac > Abraham > William > Abraham(*) > Edward Fuller > Joseph Taylor > Joseph King > (living) > (living) > me

I know the Anna Sewell line branches off at Abraham(*)'s brother Isaac (being Anna's Father), so we share a common ancestor in William (bn 1753).

I am particularly interested to trace the generations further back from Isaac, and any information you can give me would be great. I am also willing to share what info I have. I would also love to get hold of any photos of any members of my line.

Best Regards

Rob Hilken.

Rob Hilken
25th August 2006, 05:42 PM
Also, Edward Fuller Sewell moved from Great Yarmouth, Norfolk to Whibty, Yorkshire where they remained until my Grandfather moved away.