View Full Version : Sewell/Sowell

10th May 2019, 07:55 PM
My Sewell line emigrated from Gloucestershire England to the US through Henry Sewell 1576 -1655 Massachusetts.
I have DNA tested with several different companies and am also uploaded to Gedmatch.
Would love to compare to others.

I also have a distant cousin to has a dna cousin whose Sewell line is from Jamaica.
We have been trying to find her grandfathers Sewell ancestors but have had no luck.
If anyone has Jamaican Sewell lines, I would love to talk to them.


12th May 2019, 04:36 PM
I only have 11 Sewell families coming out of Gloucester and non have a Henry in that time line, perhaps you can provide more details. To my knowledge though no current members are linked though Gloucester.

Unfortunately the same applies to Jamaica. We have some notable people who went out there but no lines originating from there.

Ian Sewell
Sewell Coordinator