Hi, Ive just recently joined the site and hope someone out there can help me find my roots?? From what i know from my mum is that my Greart Grandad was called Thomas Saul born 1882 i think...he married Ada Ramshead and they had many children between them..one being my nan Agnes Saul..i knew Albert, William, May and Cyril who was put in Whittingham...i think Grandad Thomas's dad was also Thomas Saul and his mum was called Bridget Campbell before they wed...once Ada and Thomas married they lived in Bootle Street Preston which is no longer there. I believe they maried in 1892 and had plenty of children and lost a few in infancy...Thomas Saul died in Sept 1930 aged approx 45 years old....trying to find other lost Sauls or help from anyone out there that may have pictures or information that may help me...or point me in the direction of finding the data i need...is there any user friendly sites that isnt full of jargon before you can access records?? Find it so hard as im Dyslexic and its hard enough but its a strain reading through jargon and then find ive not been succesful at the end of it!! fingers crossed. Joanne