Dear All,

I'm trying to trace my paternal grandmother's side of my family tree. Her name was Doris Eva Sewell and married my grandfather (William Oliver Jenkins) around 1934 in Marylebone, London.
She was born around 1908 (in Shoreditch) and died (very approximately) around 1940.
I have an unconfirmed source which leads me to believe her father was Vernon Harcourt Sewell (b. 1888, in St Pancras) but would love some firm evidence (since I've been led down the wrong path before!).
If correct, then I'm fairly certain the line traces back to Decimus Sewell of Halstead, as documented by Adrian Corder-Birch at: (Through, Ernest A Sewell and then Percy Sewell).
If anyone can confirm this or has any further information, I would be most grateful.
Best regards
